Compassion Cannot Choose (e-book download)


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“If our humanity is functional, when someone is suffering, we spontaneously feel that we ought to do something about it. No one has to teach this to us. But because we have come to wrong conclusions about those suffering from HIV/AIDS, an environment has been created in this society, to act against human nature, thereby destroying the basic humanity in us.

When the Tsunami happened, everyone was reaching out. I do not understand why people are not reaching out to the HIV situation in the same way and with the same vigor. Why not?

Clearly, compassion cannot choose …” – Sadhguru

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Product Description

“If our humanity is functional, when someone is suffering, we spontaneously feel that we ought to do something about it. No one has to teach this to us. But because we have come to wrong conclusions about those suffering from HIV/AIDS, an environment has been created in this society, to act against human nature, thereby destroying the basic humanity in us.

When the Tsunami happened, everyone was reaching out. I do not understand why people are not reaching out to the HIV situation in the same way and with the same vigor. Why not?

Clearly, compassion cannot choose …” – Sadhguru

Compassion Cannot Choose contains Sadhguru’s interactions with people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHAs). Sadhguru speaks words of comfort, hope and inspiration, and also words of deeper understanding and clarity about society. The booklet also contains the personal stories narrated by several PLHAs giving a human face to the oft-neglected section of society that comprises HIV patients.

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SKU #: D-BK126
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